Friday, March 26, 2010

And the sleep deprivation begins

This has been a wonderful week with our new puppy. Hollyberry has been a good girl... most of the time. I take her to the school and she's fabulous with the kids who surround her and pet her. She's met several of the dogs in the neighborhood and has been calm and met them nose to nose.

But, much like a new baby, it hasn't been all roses. Holly has christened many rooms in our home, but it's mostly our mudroom, thankfully. No matter how long I take her out for, she waits until we come back inside to poop. And then attempts to eat it. Yuck! That grossed me out.

But it is night time that is getting to me. Take last night. I thought for sure she would sleep well. Yesterday we had beautiful weather. My son got home from school and the two of them ran circles around each other in the back yard. Then at eight pm we all went for a walk. So why was she up at midnight, 2 am and again at 5am? She went potty at midnight but at 2 she woke us again. No potty this time. She wanted to PLAY. Seriously?

Because I'm home during the day, I feel I need to be the one getting up with her at night, so my husband, while being disturbed by us getting up, can at least stay in bed and get more rest. Does this mean I sleep in in the morning? No. I'm up at 6 with him to take care of the pup while my husband gets ready for work. That means I am no up several times a night and out of bed an hour earlier every morning that I was before.

I also have a 7 yr old who is getting up earlier every day and I've been seeing more emotions from him. Yes, I think we are seeing the effects of less sleep from him. And then I also think my son is still trying to handle the death of our first puppy. We picked up Holly on Sunday and on Monday when it was time to go to school, I overheard my son talking under his breath. "She'll still be here when I get home." When I tucked him in last night, he said, "I still miss Seiko."

It's only been 5 days since Hollyberry became a member of our family. While Seiko was only IN our home for 2, she had been a member for the 6 weeks before we actually brought her home. It will take time for us to heal, but I have to admit, we trully lucked out with Holly's sweet nature.

Now, if only she will sleep at night.


  1. I have had my shiba for five months now and she still wakes me up in the middle of the night wanting to play. I have to put up all her squeaky toys before bed time or else she stands next to my side of the bed and squeaks them until I wake up. Good Luck!

  2. Mreeder19,

    Ooh, thanks for the warning. Last night Holly sounded like she was heaving, needing to throw up. We would take her out of her crate and she was fine. Put her back in, it started again. I think she found a way to get our attention, but my husband ended up sleeping on the couch downstairs with her beside him. We're in trouble now.
