Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 2 with the Shiba Inu

Day 2 with our new puppy went better than I expected. Hollyberry seems to be settling in nicely in our home. We walked down to the school in the morning, and it was interesting that Holly barely seemed to want to walk. Maybe it's the collar and leash. It's not that long of a walk but it seemed to take forever. I did end up carrying her a bit. Most of the walk consisted of "Oh, what can I put in my mouth. A leaf. A branch. An Acorn." Coming home I carried her most of the way. However, about 2 houses down from ours I put her back down and then it happened. First she saw the cardninals. She watched. Then she spotted the squirrel. Oh boy, did she bolt.

Because I drive one of my son's friends home, I drove down to the school with Holly. It had started to rain, but it wasn't too bad. Holly didn't seem to care for the rain, and was shaking a bit, but when the kids came outside, she settled down. She sat calmly and patiently as kids and adults alike came to adore her. Yes, she acted like royalty amongst her people.

Last night, though, was great. Holly is the best cuddle-bug. First on the couch with my son, then she and my husband slept cuddled together. Then bed time. She made it through the entire night without waking us.

I do believe this is the start of a great friendship.

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